
Testing is a useful programming practice which, in all honesty, I'm still learning much about. Tests can give you some reassurance as to the behaviour of your code, providing you've written your tests such that they're testing appropriate things. They can also help you think about how you write your code, in a positive way: the process of making unit tests can require you to rethink how your code operates in order to make it testable.

If you're unfamiliar and want to know more, probably the single most useful resources I've found are two of Ned Batchelder's PyCon talks, one from Pycon 2010, and one he recently gave. In the latter, he covers testing from the ground up. The former is a little less introductory, but is a good complimentary talk; he works through a few examples where writing tests can give a better organisation to code.

Testing and me

My problems in creating tests are often two-fold. First, I'm not always sure what are good tests to write - for instance, unit tests should be isolated, but how much should I be mocking out in unit tests? For some functions, if you mock out all other function calls, you may have very little left to actually test there.

Spotting which paths through the code you want to prioritise for integration tests is another issue. Ideally, you'd either work bottom up, starting with tests that mock out everything, then slowly adding in real code, or maybe top down, progressively mocking out units. However you approach it, the number of combinations of tests you could write will increase rapidly: even for moderately small programs, the number of possible combinations of mocked out functions and objects can be huge. For example, if A calls B and B calls C, I could write tests that use all three actual functions, two of them or just one (and perhaps even none of them). To exhaustively test every combination becomes unmanageable.

I'm hoping the more I write tests, the more confident I'll be at evaluating whether the tests I'm thinking of aren't going to be that useful to implement. Where I know I should improve is the second problem I often encounter: how to actually implement tests. Often, I'll find I know what I want to achieve but find difficulty in actually articulating this in code, usually because I've not found the functions I want in mock.

Mocking a method of an object with Python mock

Anyway, here's an example of this which might be useful if you're trying to do something similar. In this case, I wanted to test a method of an object, but wasn't sure how to do that using a mock.

This is a really cut-down version of what my code was doing, but features the main thing I was testing:

import sqlite3

def main():
    table_name = 'some_table'
    sqlite_db = sqlite3.connect('database.sqlite')
    sqlite_db.execute("drop table if exists {};".format(table_name))
    # next, get some data and then save to db

if __name__ == '__main__':

As what the database saves depends on some input that the user supplies (fixed here), I wanted to ensure that the table is wiped before we add anything to it. Otherwise repeated runs would cause the table to become cluttered with data the user no longer wants.)

What I specifically wanted to check was whether the database was getting the correct table name to drop. One way of checking this is using Python's mock(a pip-installable package if you're on Python 2, part of the standard library from Python 3.3).

By replacing objects with mocks as stand-ins, we can avoid the need for actually connecting to a database in our test (which may be slow or unreliable, if it's remote). Mocks aren't just dummy objects though; it's possible to inspect them after we execute some statements, allowing us to see, for instance, if the mock was called, and what arguments it was called with.

In my case, I got particularly confused with the mocking out of the .execute method of the sqlite_db object. I'd tried all combinations of accessing the call via the mock_sqlite3_connect. What it took me ages to realise is that I had to mock out what sqlite3.connect() returns; you can't (unless I'm mistaken) access calls on the object it returns otherwise.

import unittest
import code_to_test
import mock

class CodeToTestTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_database_drop_table_call(self, mock_sqlite3_connect):
        sqlite_execute_mock = mock.Mock()
        mock_sqlite3_connect.return_value = sqlite_execute_mock
        call = 'drop table if exists some_table;'

What's happening here? First, we're using a decorator, @mock.patch which replaces sqlite3.connect() in code_to_test with a mock, mock_sqlite3_connect. We can then make the return value of the mock_sqlite3_connect a mock itself. After that, all we have to do is actually call the main function which now will run with our mocks inside. Now, we can check that sqlite3.execute() was called correctly. If we save this as tests.py and run nosetests (pip install python-nose mock if you haven't already), the test will pass.

(What I think happens is that without us supplying a return value, the sqlite database is mocked, but there's no easy way to access it within the test to check the method's called. If you know I'm wrong and have an explanation, I'd love to hear it.)

Given the solution, you might wonder why I'd been bashing my head against the keyboard for an hour or two to figure it out. It's just knowing the vocabulary of what you need to do with mocks, whereas I'd got sidetracked thinking there must be a way to implicitly access methods of the object with the initial mock. Seeing and using patterns is definitely a good way to develop; next time I do something similar, I'll be much quicker to get something going.